Hellman & Rosen Endocrine Associates

Portal Solutions


We provide a multidisciplinary coordinated approach to the care of persons with diabetes both in the outpatient setting and, when needed, in the inpatient setting.  Our initial evaluation is comprehensive and provides a thorough assessment of the health risks of the patient  that are due to diabetes and commonly related health problems.  We provide an educational assessment and dietary counseling, and provide both psychological services and counseling regarding factors that may interfere with a person's self-care. The team is led by two endocrinologists and three nurses with more than twenty years of experience working together in the care of diabetic patients. We have three nurse practitioners who work collaboratively with our endocrinologists, and five certified diabetes educators, a dietitian, and a clinical psychologist, all supported by our other trained clinical staff. We offer both individual and group diabetes education programs from basic to advanced as well as smoking cessation classes and support therapy groups.  A full-service, in-house endocrine laboratory helps to support these services.

We work with obstetricians in the care of the pregnant woman with diabetes.  We also work with pediatricians in the care of the adolescent with diabetes and with young adults with diabetes who are transitioning from a pediatric program.

We have worked with external insulin pumps of all types since the beginning of our practice and on continuous glucose sensors from the initial research studies to their present use in clinical care.  Our past research has included work with implantable insulin pumps.

We offer consultative service in diabetes and endocrinology at North Kansas City Hospital.  Also, we admit patients with diabetes and endocrine disorders directly to the hospital and provide these services 365 days per year.  We make hospital visits daily with our team of endocrinologists and nurse practitioners supported by a nurse with expertise in diabetes care and patient safety with more than twenty years of experience.



  Although both senior endocrinologists have considerable experience in all thyroid diseases, Dr. Howard Rosen is the first and only thyroid expert in our area who is certified in the thyroid ultrasound and fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules. He currently performs all of these procedures on patients seen in our office.  Our thyroid practice is supported by our radiology technician, Dee Sedillo, who works with Dr. Rosen using our high-resolution dedicated thyroid ultrasound.


  We maintain an active practice in consultations and continuing care for patients with osteoporosis and other related disorders.  With our modern DXA machine, we provide high quality imaging and clinical evaluation and treatment.  Our sophisticated endocrine laboratory provides rapid analysis of bone markers, vitamin D status and parathyroid disorders.  We frequently provide second opinion care for  patients who have had initial therapy, but with suboptimal results.



  We work collaboratively with many obstetricians in the care of patients who are pregnant and have endocrine disorders, diabetes or gestational diabetes.  We have had a focus on this area for more than thirty years and were the first in the Kansas City area to use insulin pumps with insulin-dependent diabetic women.




We offer a scientifically-based approach that begins with a detailed evaluation of the risk of developing diabetes, using both clinical and laboratory methods.  We then follow with a prescription of care, backed up by our education team and support services.  Over the last ten years we have substantially reduced diabetes risk for many patients and in doing so improved their quality of life and probably helped lengthen it as well.



  These conditions are among the most common and disturbing symptoms faced by young women.  We work with gynecologists in helping to provide a careful and complete assessment of the cause of the problem and a plan of care and follow-up to help correct the symptoms of these disorders.



  Although evaluation and care of obesity is not our main focus, we consider dietary and behavioral support, as well as appropriate exercise plans, to be an essential part of what we do for many patients.  We do not offer bariatric surgery, but will offer counseling and post-bariatric surgery care. Some patients following bariatric surgery may have serious metabolic deficiencies that need monitoring and treatment to maintain their long-term health.



  We provide a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic services.  Our full-service endocrine laboratory is an important tool in these efforts.  The laboratory meets the highest standards and we have voluntarily participated in the same external review of the accuracy and precision as all commercial laboratories in the U.S. and regularly receive the highest marks in the external reviews.



  In 1997 we completed a 15 year outcome study to show that our comprehensive program resulted in lower death rates and kidney failure rates than a comparable group of patients in our community.  Our study was published in Diabetes Care, the leading clinical medical journal of the American Diabetes Association.  We have been involved in the effort to improve quality of care and patient safety both in our own patients and working collaboratively on a national level in a leadership position since that time.  We have had a functioning electronic medical record since 1999 and have been among the first endocrinologists to engage in voluntary public reporting of quality measurement.  We are committed to providing evidence-based high quality care as a part of our commitment to our patients.  In 1991 we developed a research foundation, the Heart of America Diabetes Research Foundation, a 501c3 not-for-profit foundation, to support our mission.  Private donations are welcome. We carry on continuing weekly education programs for our staff so they can be kept abreast of the best practices and are held accountable for maintaining the level of quality of care our patients expect and deserve.  Each of our professional staff goes to one major national meeting yearly to add to their level of knowledge and expertise.